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input TransactionBlockFilter {
function: String
kind: TransactionBlockKindInput
afterCheckpoint: UInt53
atCheckpoint: UInt53
beforeCheckpoint: UInt53
signAddress: SuiAddress
sentAddress: SuiAddress
recvAddress: SuiAddress
inputObject: SuiAddress
changedObject: SuiAddress
transactionIds: [String!]


TransactionBlockFilter.function ● String scalar

Filter transactions by move function called. Calls can be filtered by the package, package::module, or the package::module::name of their function.

TransactionBlockFilter.kind ● TransactionBlockKindInput enum

An input filter selecting for either system or programmable transactions.

TransactionBlockFilter.afterCheckpoint ● UInt53 scalar

Limit to transactions that occured strictly after the given checkpoint.

TransactionBlockFilter.atCheckpoint ● UInt53 scalar

Limit to transactions in the given checkpoint.

TransactionBlockFilter.beforeCheckpoint ● UInt53 scalar

Limit to transaction that occured strictly before the given checkpoint.

TransactionBlockFilter.signAddress ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that were sent by the given address. NOTE: this input filter has been deprecated in favor of sentAddress which behaves identically but is named more clearly. Both filters restrict transactions by their sender, only, not signers in general.

This filter will be removed with 1.36.0 (2024-10-14).

TransactionBlockFilter.sentAddress ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that were sent by the given address.

TransactionBlockFilter.recvAddress ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that sent an object to the given address. NOTE: this input filter has been deprecated in favor of affectedAddress which offers an easier to understand behavior.

This filter will be removed with 1.36.0 (2024-10-14), or at least one release after affectedAddress is introduced, whichever is later.

TransactionBlockFilter.inputObject ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that accepted the given object as an input. NOTE: this input filter has been deprecated in favor of affectedObject which offers an easier to under behavior.

This filter will be removed with 1.36.0 (2024-10-14), or at least one release after affectedObject is introduced, whichever is later.

TransactionBlockFilter.changedObject ● SuiAddress scalar

Limit to transactions that output a versioon of this object. NOTE: this input filter has been deprecated in favor of affectedObject which offers an easier to understand behavor.

This filter will be removed with 1.36.0 (2024-10-14), or at least one release after affectedObject is introduced, whichever is later.

TransactionBlockFilter.transactionIds ● [String!] list scalar

Select transactions by their digest.

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transactionBlocks query